What to Expect

Because I have 3 children with special needs I have found that, as a family, it is best to be at ease and to have fun. The candid shots, more often, are the best shots. So come expecting to have a good time—I like to roll with the punches and not stress over the small stuff. We have to realize that sometimes our kids just are going to be kids and we can still capture some great moments even if they aren't sitting up straight, smiling at the camera or won't let go of their baby brother.

I have been inspired by my cousin of Pointe Digital Photography and Videography to become a photographer because of this shot she took in 2011:

My kids were overstimulated and ready to be done, needed some sensory and I became the target. We rolled with it, laughed and now this is my most favorite shot ever.

These are the moments I hope to capture for you.

If you have children with special needs or you have special children, I would love the opportunity to freeze your memories.

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